Photo Gallery
Bee photography
As well as being a beekeeper I am a keen amateur photographer and combining both of these enables me to study the bees as you can never see them in real life. I will post some of the photos that I have taken in this section.
Although I have a large Digital SLR camera most of the time I find this to bulky to use when wearing my bee suit and also hard to operate with gloves on so the majority of my photos are taken with a compact digital camera Cannon IXY 910IS. The major advantage of this camera besides it's small size is that it has an inbuilt macro function so that I can take some really close shots. It also has a video record mode that I am experimenting with!
To view the photo's you should have javascript enabled for this site, when you click on any of the photos below it should 'pop up' and show an enlarged version on the screen with a little information below it. You can then cycle forwards and backwards through that sequence of photos by either using the right and left arrows on your keyboard or by moving your mouse pointer toward the top left or right corners and clicking on the 'Next' or 'Prev' signs that appear.
Close up shots of bees.